May 2025/2026

On the narwhal trail with the pole's last hunters

Dates 2025

May 6 to 15
May 13 to 22
May 20 to 29


4 to 6 people




Come and witness the most incredible migration in the Arctic. Join the last hunters of the pole in the heart of Melville Bay on the trail of narwhals and belugas.

Dates 2026

May 5 to 14
May 12 to 21
May 19 to 28


In May, with the arrival of permanent daylight, the first open-water leads form between the fast ice and the sea ice. This is the time when Narwhals make their way and begin their migration, sometimes in groups of 3 to 5, and up to 100 individuals, towards Melville Bay in North Greenland. It's at this point that the Greenlanders take to their kayaks and tents to reach the edge


of the pack ice by sled. We'll camp with them and watch for the arrival of narwhals, belugas and often their predator, the polar bear. This is a unique opportunity to try your hand at kayaking or diving to observe this encounter at close quarters with the animals.


As they have done since the dawn of time, we'll set out with the hunters of Kullorsuaq to camp under the midnight sun on the edge of the pack ice and watch for the arrival of the animals.A unique opportunity to talk to them about the almost mystical relationship they have with this animal on which their survival depends.


The sled, pulled by around 15 dogs, is the only means of locomotion authorized for travel in Melville Bay, and the kayak is the only way to approach the narwhals silently. From Kullorsuaq, it takes less than a day's sledging to reach the edge of the pack ice.

Depending on weather and ice conditions, we'll either sleep in tents or return to our house in Kullorsuaq.

During your stay, temperatures will fluctuate between -10° and -5°. At Upernavik, we'll provide you with the equipment you need for the coldest weather, for kayaking and for diving:

  • Boots, gloves and cold-weather comforter
  • Warm overall
  • Complete diving equipment (drysuit, mask, fins and snorkel)
  • Traditional kayak


Guardians of an ancestral tradition, the people of Kullorsuaq spend most of their lives navigating the ice floes by sledge, and derive their livelihood from fishing and hunting, with immense respect for their nurturing environment.

They do us the honor of accepting us into their midst, allowing us to share some very special moments in their lives. They will set the pace for this unique mission and give us access to their world, their customs and their know-how.

To bring you this authentic experience, Nicolas Dubreuil will be your guide and interpreter, allowing you to communicate with them.


An expedition to Northern Greenland isa physical, moral and financial commitment. In these regions, there's no room for improvisation or approximation.Everyone's comfort and safety depend on the quality and level of organization.

This expedition can accommodate 4 to6 travelers. You'll experience this traditional way of life at first hand.

We take care of :

  • flights and transport fromCopenhagen (business class to Nuuk),
  • accommodation,
  • food,
  • equipment and expedition supplies,
  • insurance,
  • supervision by Nicolas Dubreuil

As this is a real expedition and not a tourist trip, the extreme conditions, the state of the ice and the pack ice as well as the material and technical hazards may influence the course of the expedition. The program and activities may be modified and adapted according to all these.